Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Industrial Revolution - Child Labor

I am only 9 years old, working in a cotton mill. When I am late, my overlooker becomes so infuriated, he may slap or beat me till I'm bloody and weak, and still I work from day to night. I get paid close to nothing for this labor. I am sometimes very compelled to leave, not knowing what consequences lie before me. I work from the early hours of the morning to the late hours of the night. I cannot wait for this labor to end, because I feel like a slave of the mill...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Industrial Revolution - Inventions

The first most important invention was the steam engine. It was helpful because it offered a way for power without relying on water. That led to the steam boat, which was a really important invention. It made transportation across seas easier. The railroad was also very important, providing transportation to far away places. The airplane was a very important invention. It provided gateway to places it would take weeks to get to. Another important invention was the cotton gin. It made the production of cotton quicker, so more clothes could made in a shorter amount of time. These inventions changed the lives of the Europeans and Americans because it helped trade which helped the economy. They also could make products quicker so it was availible to more people, and they could ship them to more places.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Nationalism to me is a display of your nation like wearing your flag or saying the pledge of allegiance. It's showing you have pride for where you come from. I go to the West Indian parade, wear Guyana colors and flags all over to display nationalism for my country. In our nations history, nationalism is displayed when Italy became a country because they all spoke the same language.

Geography of Latin American Revolutions

Yes, I do think there is a connection between the revolutions. The
American revolution came first, and influenced the rest of the revolutions. The American, Latin, and French revolutions have in common that the dates are close together. They all happened within 30 years of eachother.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Simon Bolivar

Simon Bolivar is famous because he helped Colombia, Peru, Venezuala, Ecuador, and Bolivia gain independence. He was a great liberator, fighting with small armies. He helped fight for those countries freedoms, so he is now labeled as a heroe. He fought for independence from Spain.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Latin American Revolutions

The Latin American Revolution started off just like the French Revolution. The Latin Americans were being treated unfair. Then they heard about the enlightenment thinkers, and decided it's time for a change. The Creoles began rebelling against them Penisualres because they weren't able to hold high office. So the Enlightenment thinkers, the French Revolution, and the American revolution influenced the latin american Revolutions.