Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Opium Wars

The Opium wars were started because Britian refused to stop the shipment of Opium to China. The China leader felt that the drug was destroying their country. China was attacked by the British and many of the cities on the coast were destroyed. So, Britian won the war becuase their weapons were more advanced. The wars were called the Opium wars because it was basically over Opium.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

"The White Man's Burden"

The whiteman's burden is the fact that it's his job to take over all these countries. I do agree with the analysis of the poem. No the U.S. isn't imperialistic. No we aren't. The white man's burden is simply racism. Anything we are doing overseas has nothing to do with us being better them. They are simply trying to unify a country whom lost their leader.

Film Lesson: "Mountains of the Moon"

Some of the hardships that the Europeans faced as they explored Africa was the insects, sickness, tribal people, and running out of food. It's strange thatlake in the middle of Africa is named after an English queen because the lake is not in or near England. The primary technological advance that the Europeans had over the African people were guns.