Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WW I)

The Treaty Of Versailles affected Germany at the end of WW1 because it basically forced Germany to take blame for the whole war. They had to pay up foor lost lives of civilians, and payh for damage. They also had to give up a piece of everything including prewar colonies, prewar fleet, iron production, coal production& territory. I think historians say this because Germany was at a weak position, and it was easy to persuade just enough people to take over the country and start Fascism.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

Mustafa Kemal modernized Turkey by getting rid of their usual attire, and making them wear modern clothes like pants, suits, and hats. He compared their old attire to the national and international way of dressing. He showed the people that people don`t dress like that. Secular means pertaing to things that are not religous, spiritual, or sacred.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Flim Lesson "Ghandi"

Ghandi helped is people gain independence from Great Britain by civil disobidience. He used passive agression against the police men. He wouldn`t hit the people who hit him back. He also taught his people to do the same. Then the guards would have no reason to do anything. I don`t think Ghandi completely freed India. I think he helped alot, but India also I had to rise to the occasion also. No one would divorce a whole country because of a single man. WW1 helped influence the events that lef to India`s independence.
