Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Creation Of Israel

Zionism -- A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.

The conflict that happened when Israel was created is that the Arabs hated the jews, and they opposed the fact that jews were moving into a place so close to them. They revolted and attacked the jews everytime they could, and the government would stand by and watch it all happen and not do anything to stop it. The Israelis and the Palestinians do not get along. They are always fighting about who Israel belongs to. they bring up reliogious and just plain moral aspects of each group to persuade whom it may concern that it is their territory.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Aparthied to me was basically legalized segration of blacks, whites, and the "colors" in South Africa. A black man and a white man with the same job will not get paid the same. A black man will get paid 10 times less because he`s black, & a white man will get paid 10 times more because the white government see`s him as a dominant race in the South Africa nation. Nelson Madela is a hero because he opposed the Aparthied laws. He was sentenced to life in prison, and was let out after 26 years, & still managed to liberate South Africa from the white surpremicist government. The authors of these articles admire him because they see him as a large political figure in the uprise of Africa.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

9th Grade Review - Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution was a breakthrough for all mankind. It was the ending to hunter gatherer situations, and shedded new light on civilized society. The people discovered farming and domestication of animals. It shaped society for us, because if people wouldn`t have gone to those extents, we`d still be eating toasted goats and stuff..

The European Union

The European Union was like a put together country. There were 25 states in the union, making it the 3rd largest country in the world. The states used to fight with each other, but came to agreement to form a union with one another. It`s a good thing because it helps the economy, everyone can share the same currency, no one has to change their money. It's also good because if one country gets attacked, the whole country l wawill come after the counry who attacked it. They have each others backs. People could go into other states without having to go through a whole passport exchange, because every country is united. It prevented turf wars, all wars in general. It also prevented border rules.


Sunday, April 22, 2007

NATO and The Warsaw Pact

Nato was an organization that inclused countries in North America and Europe. It was an alliance, so if one country was attacked, the other countries could give them a hand. The Warsaw pact was a rival alliance made up of Russia and Eastern European communist countries. The alliances as a fall back for future attacks.

Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban missile crisis was when the world came close to a nuclear war. Cuba had missiles ready to be launched if the island was invaded but JFK avoided the event. He quaratined the island. He also said that if Cuba attacked, they would blame the USSR, and told them to remove all their weapons from the island. It was considered the hottest moment because the world was about to be blown up by some people with really big missiles. That's serious.

Film Lesson - "The Right Stuff"

The U.S. and the USSR were competing to see who would get to space first. Russia was winning the competition because they got a man in space first, and America got a monkey. The scenes from the movie that will help me remember this event is the man who always came running in late telling them the important news that just happened, and when they were in the shower talking about woman, how they pointed out that the real issue was that they were trying to send monkeys to space. They came to the conclusion that America thought a monkey could do it better than a human.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

My reaction to Night and Fog is speechless. I found it pretty powerful, a little too powerful, but it`s not a entertainment film, I guess. It didn`t compare to anything I saw in the movie. Everything was so real in the documentary, the footage was harsh and vivid, but very straight foward. No questions could be asked. The documentary illustrated the Holocaust more effectively. It just showed everything, raw and untouched. You knew everything from the movie was real, just the documentary just was real. And scary. Pretty convincing, seeing how every scene had a dieing or disgustingly dead person. Impacted me kind of hard there.

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

"Schindler`s List" illustrated the Holocaust from a good perspective. It showed how brutally murdered the jews were. I think the most powerful scene was the burning of the body, when the girl in the red dress was being wheeled into the fire. The symbolism of the little girl really showed the guards were unremorseful. You would of thought she would live. That was the only image that stayed in my head.

US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945

No, I don`t think that the US Atomic Bombing is the #1 news story of the century. I think that President Kennedy`s assasination was more than that. I would add Dr. Martin Luther kings assasination, I would also add the Columbine high school massacre. I would the assasination because it meant the end of life for one of the most powerful civil rights leader in history. I would add the Columbine school massacre because it showed the rest of the world the extent teenagers can be pushed to. And it was one of the most fatal high school stand offs.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WW I)

The Treaty Of Versailles affected Germany at the end of WW1 because it basically forced Germany to take blame for the whole war. They had to pay up foor lost lives of civilians, and payh for damage. They also had to give up a piece of everything including prewar colonies, prewar fleet, iron production, coal production& territory. I think historians say this because Germany was at a weak position, and it was easy to persuade just enough people to take over the country and start Fascism.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

Mustafa Kemal modernized Turkey by getting rid of their usual attire, and making them wear modern clothes like pants, suits, and hats. He compared their old attire to the national and international way of dressing. He showed the people that people don`t dress like that. Secular means pertaing to things that are not religous, spiritual, or sacred.